WWW Wednesday 10-24-18

WWW Wednesday is a meme currently hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It’s very simple – answer the three questions and leave a link in Sam’s post.

The Three Ws are:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next

What am I currently Reading?

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The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: I’m a little over a hundred pages into this book and holy cow. I bought this book the week it came out because of the hype on blogs and such, and I don’t know why I’ve been putting it off for so long. I wish I had more time to just sit and read because this is truly a gift of a book.

Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumphs of modern Female Friendships by Kayleen Schaefer: I’m reading this book on the Kindle app during my downtime at work, a saw a couple people I volunteer with at the Harry Potter Alliance talking about it earlier this year. The premise of the book is great, and I’m seeing a lot of the preconceived notions that I have/had about female friendship talked about. I’m excited to discuss this book more at length when I finish it.

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton: This is my current commute audiobook. It’s amazing. The world is beautiful, the audio narrator is great. I’m about halfway through, and it’s just taken a bit of a turn, I am very excited to see what happens!

What did I recently finish reading?

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Since my last WWW Wednesday I have finished two books:

Ghostland: an American History in Haunted Places by Colin Dickey: I posted a review of this on Monday. It was a bit different than I thought I was getting (because I don’t read blurbs and when people recommend books I just read them) but it was super interesting and deep dive into different places. Besides getting the number of people who were murdered during the witch trials in Salem wrong, I found this audiobook a fun and different listen than what I usually listen to.

Save the Date by Morgan Matson: I finished reading this over the weekend. I’ll have a post about it on Monday, but in a short recap, this book increased my already high anxiety. I mean, I enjoyed it and found parts of it funny, but so many things were going wrong that my anxiety could only deal with so much at a time. I’ll talk about it more in my review next week.

What do I plan to read next?

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Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: This was an UpperCase book box selection from a couple months ago (I will someday catch up). Probably not something I would pick up on my own but it looks interesting, and I’m into retellings since I somehow missed the train when they were really popular a couple years ago. We’ll see. It has pretty good reviews. So I’m sure it’s a good book. I’ll be sure to let you know.

The Fact of a Body by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich: I’m in the mood for a murder book, and this one was either recommended by a bunch of podcasts, or I kept seeing it everywhere and decided to look into it. Most of the reviews I read are outstanding, so I’m looking forward to it.

As for audio, I’m leaning toward one of the longer non -fiction books I have in the queue, but it depends on what my book club picks this evening at our meeting. I’m flying over the weekend, so I think I’m going to listen to one of the Theodore Roosevelt books I have. Non-fiction feels right in an airport setting. It’s Theodore Roosevelt’s birthday this weekend, so it feels right. (We have the same birthday, I have not memorized the birthdays of presidents.)

And that is my week in books, what does yours look like?

Until next time, Internet


10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday 10-24-18

    1. It looks at hauntings in a skeptical way, and discusses the history behind the places. More about the emotion and actual history of a place than the ghosts there. So yes, it looks at places like Salem Mass, and the Winchester Mystery House, different haunted hotels and cities and discusses the histroy and emotion of a place and what “haunting” means. I enjoyed it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! The prologue of the books discusses how “text me when you get there” essentally means “I love” between friends. From what I’ve read so far, I think the book has a great message about friendship and rediscovering what female friendships mean. It’s an interesting read.


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