Figuring this out.

A couple weeks ago, I rather spontaneously logged into WordPress and said “hey I’m back!” I didn’t really have a plan or anything, I just knew I wanted to start talking about books again.

I want to do this differently that I did last time. I was never reading the latest books and I didn’t get a lot of ARCs or anything, but I did feel a pressure to produce a lot of content and be reading and reviewing everything and it sucked a lot of the joy I got from reading out of it. I also think living in a global health crisis sucked the joy out of pretty much everything as well.

I’ve been thinking and searching my mind about what I really want to do with this blog. How I want to talk about books and how I want to do book reviews and I’m going to change it around a bit. It’s been long enough now that I’m sure anyone who was following me regularly a year ago doesn’t remember how my blog was set up (I know I don’t and I wrote it!) but I’m going to do fewer reviews in the traditional sense and more talking about different aspects of books I’ve read that I’ve liked. If I manage to get a netgalley ARC I will do a traditional review. I want to be more involved in the weekly lists and things. I’ll have to poke around and see who’s doing what now, but I look forward to getting back into WWW Wednesdays and the top 5 and top 10 lists.

I’m going to share a little bit more of my personal writing. I’ve been writing this dumb book (affectionate) for ever and I like getting genuine feedback and help to make a better work. We’ll see how often it happens, but I do plan on sharing a little of what I’ve been working on.

So this whole thing will start up again next week. I’m going to be talking about One Last Stop. Not to give too much away, but I loved it with my whole heart. It should be a fun post.

I look forward to interacting with everyone again and finding new friends and bloggers to go on this book blogging journey with. I’ve missed it here. Thank you for the warm welcome back on my last post. I’ll be seeing you soon.

Keep Reading


3 thoughts on “Figuring this out.

  1. Aaaaaaahhh❣️❣️❣️ You haven’t been around in FOR-Ev-ER! I was afraid you might’ve died from covid. WELCOME BACK!!!


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