Calendar Girls November 2018

Welcome back to Calendar Girls! It’s a monthly blog event created by Flavia and Melaine now hosted by Katie at Never not ,Reading and Adrienne at Darque Dreamer Reads This event was designed to ignite bookish discussions among readers. Calendar Girls was inspired by the 1961 Neil Sedaka song, Calendar Girl. Just like the song all of us participating reveals their pick that fits this month’s theme.

November’s Theme: Not Quite the end, best book in the middle of a series

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My choice for this month’s book is going to be a shocker to anyone who has seen my choices for categories that center around a favorite series.



Megan McCafferty’s Jessica Darling’s series is amazing. I need to re-read it, but my senior year of college, these books helped me out of a weird dark place, and I will always hold them in high regard.

The third book, Charmed Thirds covers Jessica’s college years. Those times where she was trying to figure out who she was, what and who she wanted to be. Does she want to stay with her high school boyfriend? Does she want to explore other options?

I was 22 or 23 when I read this book the first time, slightly older than Jessica was, but close enough in age that her story hit me in for how true and real her emotions about not knowing where she was going were. Jessica always seemed like the kind of person who knew who she was and where she was going, in this third book she hits roadblocks like we all do in our twenties as her story grows from that of a teenager to a young adult.

I love these books, I will recommend them and talk about them forever. I’ll bring them up in all “best of” lists I can. These books mean a lot to me. I drove to Bangor in a Blizzard to buy the 4th and 5th ones because I needed to know what happened.

These books may not have aged super well if you’re picking them up for the first time, but for me, they will always hold a big part of my heart.

I greatly look forward to seeing what everyone else picked! New series to add to my TBR pile!


Until next time Internet,



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